AUMO Prescribes Jazz


Norwood Live

In 2021, while raising funds for the Women’s and Children’s Health Foundation’s Arts In Health program, we are looking forward to making you all jump and sing and dance and swoon to our groovy tunes at Norwood Live August 27 6:30pm. Ticket sales start July 23!

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Fowler’s Live

This year we decided to put on a brand new night at our new venue, Fowler's Live, just across the road from the new Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building. The evening offered fine wine, cheese and good music, featuring the AUMO Big Band and Gooseberry Jam straight from their successes at the AMSS Jazz Night earlier this year.

All proceeds from this event went towards the National Centre of Aboriginal Language and Music Studies (NCALMS). NCALMS is a leading body of teaching and research into Australian Aboriginal music and languages, and is based at our own University of Adelaide. Its projects engage Indigenous students and communities to strengthen cultural connection and wellbeing. Our donation helped to purchase much-needed studio equipment for music teaching and media production work.

We are very proud to announce that with our 2017 donations to STTARS and NCALMS, we doubled our total donation amount to charitable causes compared with last year!! We wish to congratulate all our members for their hard work and dedication towards making great music and supporting important causes.

To learn more about STTARS, go to:

To learn more about NCALMS, go to: