AUMO’s Ensembles


AUMO Orchestra is the perfect place to come perform with your medical school peers. Take to the stage with classical favourites, film and game hits, and so many more self-directed pieces! From Christmas performances to our Annual Concert, you'll have the opportunity to experience a wide range of repertoires and have lots of fun! With over 50 members from across all years of the Adelaide University medical school, you'll be sure to find a place in our community of music lovers.

Our rehearsals are held on Mondays at 6pm at Pulteney Grammar School, so come join us to have a look - we can't wait to see you there!

Closer to the AUMO concert in May, rehearsal times will be extended and a dress rehearsal will be held to finalise our repertoire.

Orchestra does require some basic understanding of how to play the instrument you choose. 

We welcome all instruments you would see in a typical symphony orchestra (strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion) and also piano and drum kit players.



AUMO Big Band is a place where students of all skill levels can come and play renowned and well-known jazz/funk/pop pieces in all of AUMO’s key events. Comprised of students from all year levels, this band fosters teamwork as a band, while maintaining a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The band features later in the year as the stars of AUMO Prescribes Jazz in addition to our main concert in May.

Rehearsals are on Thursdays 6pm at Pultney Grammar School. Free parking is available on South Terrace.

Whether you’re learning an instrument for the first time or are a seasoned veteran, this band is open to everyone and includes beginner and advanced pieces so that everyone is involved and challenged at the same time.

All instruments that are usually present in a big band (woodwinds, brass and rhythm section) are welcome, and are happy to accomodate to other instruments aswell.

Vocal Ensemble30+ members. Singing A Cappella or accompanied songs. Traditional hymns, jazz, popular music, classics.


Ever found yourself humming along to your favourite tunes while the radio is playing? Ever wanted to play music but unsure of where to begin with all these instruments? Well, we have the solution for you! 

AUMO’s Choir Ensemble are a group of Adelaide Medical students eager to sing our hearts out and create music right from our voices! From the latest hits to all time classics, we’re sure to sweep our audiences off their feet with our pitch perfect harmonies. 

No experience is required; be keen to take part in multiple performances throughout the year including the most anticipated annual AUMO Concert! Rehearsals this year will be held every Tuesday at 5:30pm at the AHMS. Keen to see you there!  

Chamber choir is a small vocal group of approx. 10-15 people taking on an arrangement with multiple complex parts and harmonies. Our focus is to give those of you with a passion for a capella the opportunity to flex and practice your skills in a fun and lively environment! Sight reading is encouraged and favourable but not required. Perfect pitch is mandatory 😜

Chamber choir is an audition only group so keep an eye out for a sign up link coming out soon on the AUMO Facebook page. 


Come join AUMO Dance! No prior dance experienced required; many of our choreographers, members and alumni had never danced in their life before joining. Here, you'll not only refine your dance skills but also build strong friendships with fellow students from every year level—all while working towards a spectacular performance at the annual AUMO Concert. Rehearsals occur weekly up until then. We currently have 2 groups:

AUMO Hip Hop

  • Rehearsals are every Thursdays 5.30pm AHMS level 4, closer to the concert there will be Sunday rehearsals at main campus dance rooms

  • No prior dance experience required (open to everyone from beginners to advanced) 

  • It’s a great way to meet new people, have fun and have a wholesome family outside of just your usual cohort mates! 

  • We would love to see you all every Thursdays! 

AUMO Bollywood

  • …is a vibrant community celebrating the rich tapestry of Bollywood culture, dance, and music. Now in its second year, the group has built on an amazing debut, offering a dynamic space where both seasoned dancers and enthusiastic beginners can share their passion.

  • Rehearsals are held weekly on Friday or Saturday evenings (exact schedule TBD) for one hour, providing the perfect opportunity to unwind after a busy week.

  • Grab your tikkas and jhumkas and join us in rehearsal for an unforgettable celebration of Bollywood!